Isabelle GAU - professional coach

Certified Coach & Team®, accredited professional coaching (RNCP), INSA Engineer, holder of IAE master's and certified in Project Management (PMP®), my career has been driven by a desire to learn, understand, and drive change.

I have been nurtured and influenced by a wide range of environments, whether they are sports, artistic, geographical, or social. As an aerospace engineer for 30 years, I have always been committed to building bridges and have extensively developed this ability in the professional domain until my transition to professional coaching.

My experience in various roles within the corporate world now enables me to grasp its challenges and offer insightful guidance for individual and organizational transformations.



  • CODEVELOPMENT: Facilitation, to train teams in sharing perspectives and crafting innovative solutions based on real cases.

  • WELLBEING: Co-facilitating a workplace improvement initiative involving cultural changes (collaboration, remote work, leadership, etc.) within the context of digital transformation.

  • WORKSHOPS: Design and facilitation, to explore issues with collective intelligence, using the diversity of each individual's skills and experiences.

  • HACKATONS: Team coach, hackathon is a workshop concept enabling the creation of concrete solutions through collective intelligence.

  • TEAM REGULATION: with collective intelligence exploration of reality, resolution of misunderstandings, realignment with purpose, and implementation of improvement actions.


  • TARGETED COACHING: addressing professional challenges through dedicated coaching sessions (goals, new role, conflicts, forming a new team, management skills, work-life balance, hybrid work)

  • 360° DEBRIEF: the 360° tool allows an employee to assess their soft skills through an anonymous questionnaire distributed to a panel of colleagues. During the debrief session, the coach helps the employee analyze the results and use them for personal growth.

My ambition is to capitalize on this experience and these skills to benefit the corporate world, using all the tools of professional coaching.

I practice, experiment, and enrich my individual and collective coaching skills within a large aerospace industrial company, supporting operational challenges and in a context of cultural and digital transformation.