*Professional coaching supports concrete and operational situations dealing with human in companies
Like a living organism that carries its adaptation capabilities in each of its cells, the company expresses its potential for excellence by connecting to every human being that composes it (inspired by "Reinventing Organizations," Frédéric Laloux).
You are much more than a CV or a status.
Your history, your passions, your uniqueness are strengths that reveal all your potential.
I help you embrace them fully to align who you are with what you express and meet your challenges.
Operational experience and understanding of challenges
Engineer with a 30-year journey encompassing various managerial roles in the aerospace industry I have experienced individual and collective issues from the inside.
A coaching practice anchored in reality
Now a professional coach, I support managers and their teams in major transformations at Airbus (part-time employee) and with my clients to develop their resilience and their capacity for action.
Change catalyst
My strength and serenity have always been my allies in navigating change, rallying energies beyond organizational boundaries.
Professional Coaching Blagnac, Toulouse, Occitanie