I maintain a constant focus on my coaching stance, characterized by benevolence and the ability to listen with empathy. Ongoing self-awareness work enables me to maintain this receptive stance, ultimately benefiting the client's growth.

These concepts (non-exhaustive list) also inform my practice:

  • Framework of tools developed by Vincent Lenhardt, who introduced coaching to France in the 1980s (RPBDC, 15 parameters, 8 intervention zones, etc.)

  • Transactional Analysis (Eric Berne) to understand individuals' operating modes and improve interpersonal communication

  • The Human Element (Will Schutz) to create a Humanistic, Responsible, and Open work environment

  • Appreciative Inquiry (David Cooperrider) to meet organizational needs by leveraging strengths, successes, and talents.

The coaching profession requires a development path for self-enrichment and self-questioning. Continuous training and supervision are at the heart of this journey.

Every service I provide is bound by the EMCC's code of ethics. This code establishes a secure framework ensuring confidentiality, the professionalism of the coach, and an ethical commitment to the service.

EMCC: European Mentoring and Coaching Council

In cases of services that require the involvement of multiple coaches, especially for interventions with large groups, I collaborate with a team of certified and experienced coaches from various sectors of industry and services. Each individual brings their perspective to the issue, and together we create a tailored solution for the client, harnessing the richness of collective intelligence.



"When we become aware of the incredible power of truth, recognize our impressive ability to shape our existence, and overcome our fear of examining ourselves openly and sincerely, we can reach the limitless heights of productivity and personal fulfillment within our organization, our relationships, and ourselves." - Will Schutz, The Human Element