What Leaders for Tomorrow ?
The leaders of tomorrow will need to pay particular attention to the aspirations of their employees and human interactions.
3/20/20232 min read
After the industrial era and its array of challenges that required leaders focused on production tools and the financial sustainability of the company, what skills will the leaders of tomorrow need to develop?
Our world is changing, and so are our ambitions! While the companies of the past directed their energy towards performance and maximizing profits, the companies of tomorrow will also need to adapt to a more unstable context and the new aspirations of individuals and society at large. Developing leadership skills with this perspective in mind will be a crucial lever to nourish these aspirations and drive a positive dynamic within the company
Here's the good news: this lever of managerial action has a virtuous effect on the health and performance of the company. It leads to increased motivation, efficiency, well-being at work, enhanced creativity, company attractiveness, reduced turnover, and more.
This new paradigm speaks of transparency, trust, and collective intelligence. It encourages us to let go of the obsession with control and to draw on the wealth of experiences and skills within the company to move towards a shared future in line with our values. It also assumes that everyone carries the triggers of their motivation within themselves and that greater responsibility correlates with greater efficiency (referencing Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y).
This orientation implies a few good practices:
Leaders who set an example and inspire through their commitment.
Unhindered communication and an invitation to collaborate.
An open space where everyone can express their fears, hopes, ideas, and contribute to continuous improvement.
A space of trust where each individual feels competent and acknowledged in their domain.
Encouragement for creativity, experimentation, and the freedom to fail.
These practices also help develop a sense of security and serenity among employees. Freed from their fears and frustrations, they will be better equipped to face the uncertainty and impermanence that characterize our world, allowing them to harness their energy and express their potential.
Paying particular attention to employees' aspirations and human interactions will no longer be an option for the leaders of tomorrow. This is what will set them apart and enable them to confront the future with confidence, in alignment with the challenges of our time.
Isabelle GAU - Mars 2023